Tuition: $ 0
General University Fee: $ 0
Online Fee: $ 0
Housing: $ 0
Meal Plan: $ 0


$ 0

Please Note: This calculator is intended to provide an ESTIMATED cost of attendance including tuition (based on current rates) and required fees, housing and meals. This does NOT include programmatic fees, course fees or books and supplies. Therefore, your final balance due may differ from this calculated ESTIMATE. Changes to the number or type of credit hours, residency, and/or housing assignment will change your ESTIMATED total. You may go to to determine your ESTIMATED program and/or course fees. This cost calculator does not apply to these specialized programs, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Social Work, Doctoral of Nurse Practice, Doctoral Degree in Emergency Management, and Master in Athletic Training. Meal plans are required for residence living in Housing Halls but are optional for Apartments.

All Tuition and Fees are subject to change based on approval of the Board of Trustees.

Data Source: Production
Date: 04/18/2024